Who we are
Get to know about our device
We strive to enhance our users’ everyday experiences with our innovative and
insightful technology. Founded in 2014, our incredible team of engineers,
programmers, designers and marketing experts has worked tirelessly to bring
Alcobrake to the forefront of the IoT Startup world.
We strive to provide excellence to all of our users; Alcobrake researches their habits,
their motives, and what they really want in a product. We then internalize and
synthesize all of this information to improve upon our own business and product.
We have, and will continue to work relentlessly to become the technological
standard, providing big- picture insights which industry leaders not only approve
of but depend on as well.
With the same philosophy, we researched and developed our Alcobrake products
that are specific to regional (USA, India), environmental (Dusty roads to sub-zero temperatures) and behavioral requirements.
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